The blog is a section of your site that should not be overlooked. Most of the time, it is used to distribute articles - even if other forms of content can be exploited - in order to educate readers on a more or less specific subject.
And that's not all. A blog article can bring you many other benefits, starting with better visibility on the web. If it is well constructed and well written, you can even convert your readers and push them to buy your products or to use your services. But before we get there, we will have to make some editorial efforts.
The writing of your article must be careful to send a professional image of your brand and bring positive signals to Google.
- Free Donated Cars
- emergency-cash-help-for-single-mothers
- free-cars-for-low-income-families
- car-loans-with-bad-credit-and-no-money-down
- salvation-army-car-donation
- how-to-get-cheap-insurance-for-bad-driving-record
- emergency-financial-help-for-single-mothers
- guaranteed-installment-loans-for-bad-credit
- habitat-for-humanity-cars-for-single-moms
- free-cars-for-single-moms-program-apply
- how-to-get-a-free-car-from-the-government-apply-online-here
- free-cars-for-veterans
- free-car-for-student-grants
- college-grants-for-single-mothers
- car-dealers-that-accept-bad-credit
- free-cars-for-vets
- care-to-share-free-cars-for-people-in-need
- free-government-money-for-individuals
- emergency-cash-help-for-single-mothers
- untitled
- car-insurance-with-zero-money-down-payment
- buy-here-pay-here-bad-credit-no-down-car-lots
The title of your article is the first thing that will grab the reader's attention. It must therefore be carefully treated and kept short, ideally between 4 to 10 words .
Our advice
In short, remove all adverbs, adjectives and prepositions.
Your title should also be:
- Visible : use a font size larger than the body of the text and avoid writing in italics, in capital letters, or underlining.
- Eye- catching: invite you to read while remaining explicit.
- Well referenced : add keywords so that the search engines take into account your title to index your pages.
Let's stop on the optimization of your titles for natural referencing. This is a very important criterion that should be taken into account when writing your blog article. It must be catchy for the internet user and attractive to the search engines.
If you are a web editor , you know how important it is to write good headlines to attract the Internet user, grab their attention and invite them to click to read an article. If you are an SEO writer or web SEO , you also know that the title of a web page corresponds to the Title tag established in the HTML standard.
Where is the Title tag?
The Title tag is located at the beginning of the code on each page of your site, in the HTML header.
In the code, this is what your title looks like Note that the title tag does not appear in the body of the article, but in the browser bar at the top of the window. The Title is therefore not really the title of the article but rather the title of the web page you are looking at.
Here in this example, you distinguish the title (at the very top in the browser bar) which corresponds to the Title tag, and the article title, which corresponds to the H1 tag in the HTML standard.Pay attention to the length of your title. If it is too long and your user has several tabs open then your title will not be displayed entirely on the tab in question.
Did you know ?
The Title tag is also the one that appears on Google results pages. To this end, it must make you want to read and click on the link.
Your page title can be the same (or not) as the article title.
How to write a good title?As we have just seen, the title of the Title tag will appear in the results of the SERPs. It must therefore make people want to read your article and take care of its page title is a priority in terms of editorial SEO.
Also, the whole art of writing a title is not limited to having a writing style. In addition to making people want to read your article, the title must be consistent, fair, relevant and include the keywords on which you want to position yourself. Obviously, it must not contain any spelling errors.
To recap and see more clearly, here are the components of a good title:
- It is short enough (maximum 70 characters, so that the title is displayed in full in the search results)
- It has one or more keywords , the most important at the start
- It reflects well the content of the page article
- He delivers a message
- There is no spelling error
- It is unique and does not appear on other pages
- It makes the user want to click when the title appears in Google results
- It is explicit : a detailed title is better than a vague title
Do you think that's a lot? Don't worry, with a little practice you will almost automatically write catchy headlines for your blog posts.
Otherwise, you can call on professional web copywriters on They will produce texts and titles optimized for your SEO for you.
2. Hang from the introductionEven if you have managed to convince the user to visit your article, all is not won. He will now decide whether or not to continue reading based on your introduction.
The introduction summarizes your article and should be seen as a "brief" because it alone forms the basis of the information. We must therefore get straight to the point, this is the principle of the inverted pyramid in web copywriting.
To help you identify the essential content and then summarize it, use the 5W rule:
- Who?
- What?
- When?
- Where?
- Why?
In other words, and in French, this gives: " who is concerned? what's the news? what is it about? when did it happen or when will it happen? or ? Why ? "
- y-2020
Again, you have to get the attention, without saying too much. So try to limit the teaser to a single, short paragraph.
3. Adapt your content to the webRemember that your blog article will be read on the Internet, from different media: computer, tablet or smartphone. This may seem obvious today, but it is important to be aware of the uses of Internet users.
On the web, users do not read in the same way as when they are faced with a physical book. They also don't have as much patience.
Optimize your links and imagesIt is important to add images (or any other media such as videos or infographics) to illustrate your article. You thus avoid your reader being faced with a long text, energize their reading and bring concrete examples to your words.
By combining the useful with the aesthetic, you should not forget SEO. Your images must also be optimized for natural referencing and this notably goes through the ALT attribute. It allows you to associate an alternative text to your image and is visible when the user hovers over the image. You can also provide a concise caption to give more meaning to your image.
Regarding links, avoid putting too much so as not to interfere with reading ("too many links kill the link"). They must also give a precise idea of the target page so avoid terms such as "click here" or "it's over there" or "next page".
Finally, the links should be neither too short nor too long, ideally 3 to 8 words .This sixth point is somewhat similar to the previous one. The surfer being in a hurry and not very patient he must know quickly if the content of your blog article meets his expectations and if he will be able to find the information he is looking for.
We therefore advise you to make short paragraphs and prioritize your information.
On this last point, you must create parts and sub-parts using the <h> tags. This structure will make it easier for the Internet user to read and will indicate to Google that you are careful with the presentation of information: a very positive signal for SEO.
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